Zafarnama sikhiwiki
Zafarnama sikhiwiki

īut I dont buy that metaphor s funny hwo when a metaphor is rightly used as i Kabir Ji.s ganga ki lehrehn mehn tootee s pictorially shown as aman in chains drowning in the real waters of ganga and miracolously breaking free.or Farid Ji shown with skeleton body with real crows hanging about his head.or a piece of real wood as kaath ki the metaphor is criticised and its said that the chains are real.ganga devi is when a poet really gaurantees the blind cna see.we say its metaphor.the Late maskeen ji didnt take the "Listen akhnad paath and get cured of cancer" tale of Bhardwwaj was popularised as a GENUINE MEDICAL BREAKTHROUGH.the comatose bhrdwaj actually got up and walked away.only to DIE a MONTH Later in march 2007. READ the entire SORDID Tale here.fully explained in simple Punjabi. Question: 400.JIN NAR Naam tuharo kaha.only MALE mentioned.woman is left out as its perfectly in tune with this MALE CENTRIC POEM-Charitars are all about women why would a woman say NAAM ? 404 concludes by THANKING ASDHUJ DEVTA.and Gives the GUARANTEE that whoever does Paath of tHIS Kvaita will.? IF BLIND will get EYESIGHT.if deaf will hear.if ? the DUMB will SPEAK.anything more BIZARRE ? this takes the Cake and we call it Guru Gobind Singh Kirt ? Do the Blind the deaf the dumb get cured ? are there none such l eft ? and this strts from 377.and continues till 410.402-404 are clearly addressed to JAGAT MATA which cannot be AKAL PURAKH by even the wildest imagination.Mata is DEVI Chandi etc.402. The Title in DG is Kabiobach benti chaupee. Not only the ORIGINAL DG there is no pat 10 added.BUT in the REMOVED VERSES, renumbered and added Pat 10 is clearly subterfuge. The whole CHARITAR is too long to write here (Fairy Tale of enormous proportions anyway).BUT the.wondrous thing is the Benti Chaupaii which is EMBEDDED DEEP INSIDE this FAIRY TALE.has been surreptioulsy REMOVED and then RE-NUMBERED. Then in the 202-241 ASDHUJ Kaal caused many PLAGUES.FEVERS.( the 13 plagues of the Bible.also happen here.GERM WARFARE ? wow very advanced indeed.Viruses ? etc being used by mahan : IF mahan kaal created htis GERM WARFARE to KILL DEMONS.why are these dieseases still around TODAY ? are all those kids sick from small DEMONS ? Did Guru Gobind Singh ji write this SHEER NONSENSE ? IS this Same "ASDHUJ" that GGS is aksing for Hamri karo haath de Rachha.Please protect ME ? KILL MY ENEMIES ? does the SIKH Akal purakh have enmies ? did Guru ji have "enemies"?


It starts off with the fantastic descriptions and way out of htis world figures of horses and huge demons etc.etc etc.armies as huge as 9 figures of horses, elephants, men.such huge numbers of elephants etc jsut defy logistics becasue a single elephant eats 500kg of fodder DAILY and IF there is an army of say 2 million elephants.where does the fodder come from ? Anyway thats NOT the main point.becasue each drop of blood spilled from demon springs into a million other how anyone cna ever win such a battle is beyond human imagination.Guru Gobind Singh Ji fought Battles WITHIN LIMIT.his Sons also died physical death from wounds.none blood dripped and made a million Ajit singhs etc spring up.Guru Ji rode physical horses, shot arrows etc.plausible battles and won them based on strategy and VALOUR.not supernatural powers magic etc.Gurus soldiers rode only HORSES.while the soldiers in thsi tall tale ride horses, elephnats, donkeys,, cheetahs, lions, tigers.even the movie called SCORPION KING.and you will notice its a recreation of this story allegedly penned by Guru Ji ? Warriors riding RATS and old vultures into battle ?ĪND then wonder of wonders.the author also says that SHEIKHS, PATHANS, MUGHALS are also in Battle and being slaughtered by the Chandi kaal etc.? Now what is this.what period is this.are Mughals and DEMONS with horns.all in the SAME PLOT ? HARRY POTTER MOVIE looks more CREDIBLE !!! (199) IN 200 /201 the Pathan dead are evn named.nahar Khan, Bairam Khan, bahadur Khan, rustam Khan, balwand Khan, Hussein Khan, Hussan Khan, Muhammed Khan, Shamshan Khan, etc etc etc.? 404 in the Section of DG called Charitro Pakhiyan.Pages 1359-1388.

Zafarnama sikhiwiki